tattoo quotes for women

Saturday, April 30, 2011

tattoo quotes for women

tattoo quotes for women

tattoo quotes for women tattoo quotes for women tattoo quotes for women

tattoo quotes for women tattoo quotes for women tattoo quotes for women

There is no personal charm so great as the charm of a cheerful temperament. ~Henry Van Dyke

He who lets the goat be laid on his shoulders is soon after forced to carry the cow. ~Italian Proverb

Before marriage, a man declares that he would lay down his life to serve you; after marriage, he won't even lay down his newspaper to talk to you. ~Helen Rowland

Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally. ~David Frost

Prayer draws us near to our own souls. ~Herman Melville, Mardi and A Voyage Thither, 1849

Perhaps imagination is only intelligence having fun. ~George Scialabba

Men never do evil so thoroughly and cheerfully as when they do it for conscience sake. ~Blaise Pascal, Pensees, 1670

Breastfeeding is a gift that lasts a lifetime. ~Author Unknown

Genius, by its very intensity, decrees a special path of fire for its vivid power. ~Phillips Brooks

Hate is misguided love. ~Author Unknown

Janie's a pretty typical teenager - angry, insecure, confused. I wish I could tell her that's all going to pass, but I don't want to lie to her. ~Alan Ball, American Beauty, 1999

To everyone is given the key to heaven; the same key opens the gates of hell. ~Ancient Proverb

At Christmas, all roads lead home. ~Marjorie Holmes

Tigers die and leave their skins; people die and leave their names. ~Japanese Proverb

Babies are always more trouble than you thought - and more wonderful. ~Charles Osgood

When compiling his great dictionary, the young Noah Webster travels to the Himalayas, where he climbs to the cave of the world's wisest man. "O, great sage," he says, "tell me the meaning of life." The sage sits Noah at his feet and, with great solemnity, commences to unfold the meaning of life. When finished, he places a hand on the young man's shoulder and says, "Do you have any other questions, my son?" Noah flips a page in his notebook and says, "You wouldn't know the meaning of lift, would you?" ~Robert Brault,

There's something about getting up at 5 a.m., feeding the stock and chickens, and milking a couple of cows before breakfast that gives you a lifelong respect for the price of butter and eggs. ~Bill Vaughan

There are three kinds of death in this world. There's heart death, there's brain death, and there's being off the network. ~Guy Almes

We hear the beating of wings over Bethlehem and a light that is not of the sun or of the stars shines in the midnight sky. Let the beauty of the story take away all narrowness, all thought of formal creeds. Let it be remembered as a story that has happened again and again, to men of many different races, that has been expressed through many religions, that has been called by many different names. Time and space and language lay no limitations upon human brotherhood. ~New York Times, 25 December 1937, quoted in Quotations for Special Occasions by Maud van Buren, 1938, published by The H.W. Wilson Company, New York

Unraveling proverbs is a suitable puzzle for an old man. I put pieces in order and build up a kind of Utopian castle. ~Matti Kuusi

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