lil wayne quotes about hoes

Thursday, April 28, 2011

lil wayne quotes about hoes

lil wayne quotes about hoes

lil wayne quotes about hoes lil wayne quotes about hoes lil wayne quotes about hoes

lil wayne quotes about hoes lil wayne quotes about hoes lil wayne quotes about hoes

We are the heirs of a past of rope, fire, and murder. I for one am not ashamed of this past. My shame is for those who became so inhuman that they could inflict this torture upon us. ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

If a rabbit defined intelligence the way man does, then the most intelligent animal would be a rabbit, followed by the animal most willing to obey the commands of a rabbit. ~Robert Brault,

I've developed a new philosophy... I only dread one day at a time. ~Charlie Brown (Charles Schulz)

God made the world round so we would never be able to see too far down the road. ~Isak Dinesen

Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. ~Henry Ford

Our clothes are too much a part of us for most of us ever to be entirely indifferent to their condition: it is as though the fabric were indeed a natural extension of the body, or even of the soul. ~Quentin Bell

The best vitamin to be a happy person is B1. ~Author Unknown

It has been said that art is a tryst, for in the joy of it maker and beholder meet. ~Kojiro Tomita

The only reason a great many American families don't own an elephant is that they have never been offered an elephant for a dollar down and easy weekly payments. ~Mad Magazine

Never ride faster than your guardian angel can fly. ~Author Unknown

The young man knows the rules, but the old man knows the exceptions. ~Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.

Minor vices lead to major ones, but minor virtues stay put. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic's Notebook, 1966

True love is when you put someone on a pedestal, and they fall - but you are there to catch them. ~Author Unknown

All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast. ~John Gunther

A grandparent is old on the outside but young on the inside. ~Author Unknown

Wine gives courage and makes men more apt for passion. ~Ovid

A bore is a fellow who opens his mouth and puts his feats in it. ~Henry Ford

A man is only a leader when a follower stands beside him. ~Mark Brouwer

There is a great deal of self-will in the world, but very little genuine independence of character. ~Frederick W. Faber

Sex is something I really don't understand too hot. You never know where the hell you are. I keep making up these sex rules for myself, and then I break them right away. Last year I made a rule that I was going to quit horsing around with girls that, deep down, gave me a pain in the ass. I broke it, though, the same week I made it - the same night, as a matter of fact. ~J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye, Chapter 9

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