love poems for girl from heart

Saturday, April 30, 2011

love poems for girl from heart

love poems for girl from heart

love poems for girl from heart love poems for girl from heart love poems for girl from heart

love poems for girl from heart love poems for girl from heart love poems for girl from heart

You may know the intractability of a disease by its long list of remedies. ~Alonzo Clark

My dog is usually pleased with what I do, because she is not infected with the concept of what I "should" be doing. ~Lonzo Idolswine

Worry is interest paid on trouble before it comes due. ~William Ralph Inge

History is a bath of blood. ~William James, Memories and Studies

Writing is both mask and unveiling. ~E.B. White

The greatest way to live with honor in this world is to be what we pretend to be. ~Socrates

Movement never lies. It is a barometer telling the state of the soul's weather to all who can read it. ~Martha Graham

He's the kind of man a woman would have to marry to get rid of. ~Mae West

You do not lead by hitting people over the head. That's assault, not leadership. ~Dwight D. Eisenhower

Moderation is a fatal thing; nothing succeeds like excess. ~Oscar Wilde, A Woman of No Importance, 1894

Two monologues do not make a dialogue. ~Jeff Daly

As network administrator I can take down the network with one keystroke. It's just like being a doctor but without getting gooky stuff on my paws. ~Scott Adams ("Dogbert")

Without music life would be a mistake. ~Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

If I could wake up in a different place, at a different time, could I wake up as a different person? ~Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club, Chapter 3

A man's library is a sort of harem. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson, The Conduct of Life, 1860

They're certainly entitled to think that, and they're entitled to full respect for their opinions... but before I can live with other folks I've got to live with myself. The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience. ~Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird, Chapter 11, spoken by the character Atticus

Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which, in prosperous circumstances, would have lain dormant. ~Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus), Satires

When I admire the wonder of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in worship of the Creator. ~Mahatma Gandhi

To smoke or not to smoke: I can make of either a life-work. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Neurotic's Notebook, 1960

We now have unshakable conviction that accident causes are man-made and that a manmade problem can be solved by men and women. ~W.H. Cameron

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