The Tattooed Poets Project: Christina Continelli

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Tattooed Poets Project: Christina Continelli

Today's tattoo comes to us from poet Christina Continelli. This is part of the lower half of her arm sleeve:

Christina explains the origin of this piece:
"The tattoo is from the front cover of a vintage Heavy Metal comic book my ex-boyfriend used to have. The sleeve was adapted from the drawing by Avelino Avilia at Spirits in the Flesh Tattoo Studio in San Francisco. I had the work done in 1997. There was no deep meaning behind it. I simply found the original image aesthetically pleasing."
What follows is Christina's poem "Charity, " which, she says, "was supposed to be published in [another magazine] this year, but they fell off the face of the earth." Their loss is our gain, I say, and they haven't responded to her queries about the poem, so this would mark it's first publication, I believe.


This person who requires
very little of me
wrecks the neighborhood
in spirits and crushed feathers               
I wheedle the ajar door
just give a push
and enjoy the feel of it giving

Let loose on the night
with you clawing behind me
feral, whip-tailed, gentle man
a shriek of rubber on wet pavement
and questions
so many questions

I feel two things:
the smoky grit of the upholstery &
the constellation of insects in my veins

Lust is the arch of the moon
in the stomach of a middle-aged woman
perverse and sterile,
a sprinkling of glass and lacquer
from a childhood memory
of dark sex and rage

I keep hearing you talk to me
It sounds like a sugar cube
muddled in brandy
 ~ ~ ~

Christina Continelli is a poet, fiction writer, and essayist. She cut her poetry teeth in the San Diego spoken word scene. In 2004 she moved to Oakland, California to attend the MFA program at California College of the Arts. Her work has appeared in Goodfoot Magazine, Slice, How2,  and Monday Night Lit.

Thanks to Christina for sharing her poem and tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

This entry is ©2011 Tattoosday. The poem is reprinted here with the permission of the author.

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