The Tattooed Poets Project: Steven D. Schroeder

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Tattooed Poets Project: Steven D. Schroeder

Today's tattooed poet is Steven D. Schroeder, who sent us this photo of one of his three tattoos:

Steven explains about this, and his other two tattoos:
"I have three tattoos. The first is an eye at the base of my neck, which I acquired on a complete whim at the age of about 25 because I decided I should have a tattoo. I liked the design, but people frequently can't tell what it is, and the color washed out a little because I didn't yet know how to care for a tattoo. The second is a brain tattoo on my left shoulder. Shortly after I got that tattoo, I knew I would need a third, because I am obsessive-compulsively symmetrical about some things, and it drove me crazy to have only one shoulder marked. So this skull is on my right shoulder. Both the brain and skull came from a shop in Colorado Springs called R-U Tattooed, which I recommend."
Here's a "crisper" look:

Steven sent us this poem, whose title, he admits, he "stole" from "Autumn Begins in Martin's Ferry, Ohio," by James Wright:
Their Sons Grow Suicidally

Beautiful isn’t spoken aloud.

This Paxil lacks the overdose
Of those backseat lovers cold and cloud,
This nude bed’s not yet said screw yourself

Up to stick the point of the pen

In psychiatry’s eye, this dad adopts
Friend nicknames that amputate the end,
This laboratory test job offers options

Of food or shock from the buzzer button.

Eat that and shit and laminate
Paper tattooed with blueprints and batter
Your limbic system with bottles and sleep

Interrupted. They call it getting better.

~ ~ ~

Steven D. Schroeder’s first book of poetry is Torched Verse Ends (BlazeVOX [books]). 

His poems are available or forthcoming from Pleiades, The Journal, Copper Nickel, Sou’wester, and The Rumpus. He edits the online poetry journal Anti-, serves as a contributing editor for River Styx, and works as a Certified Professional Résumé Writer.

This entry is ©2011 Tattoosday. The poem is reprinted here with the permission of the author.

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