Call Of Duty Black Ops Prestige Edition Rc Car

Monday, May 9, 2011

Call Of Duty Black Ops Prestige Edition Rc Car

Call Of Duty Black Ops Prestige Edition Rc Car. Call of Duty Black Ops RC-XD
  • Call of Duty Black Ops RC-XD

  • 840quadra
    Apr 27, 09:49 AM
    Incorrect - it's not tracking your direct location as you assert.

    For instance, when you're visiting "Harry's Sex Shop and under the counter Heroin sales" it doesn't track that you're actually at that business.

    It tracks that your phone contacted "AT&T Cellular Site 601-2L" which might be within line of sight of such a business or it might be in the surrounding neighborhood or somewhat nearby.

    My own phone shows that I travel all over the Twin Cities of Minneapolis/St. Paul since I am an IT staffer who journeys between 25 different offices all of the time that are dispersed all over town - and I think you would be hard pressed to find out ANYTHING from looking at that picture, it's a giant mess of dots all over town and one satellite facility southeast of town:


    Anyway. Yes, an enterprising thief with access to your phone could use it potentially. But as it is, collating that data would require some smarts and effort.

    You stole my map!!!

    Call Of Duty Black Ops Prestige Edition Rc Car. Call of Duty: Black Ops
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops

  • guzhogi
    Jul 14, 07:11 PM
    Re-read the article.

    It says there will be three available slots - 2 4x and 1 8x. These are the slots that will not be used by factory-bundled devices.

    The bundled ATI X1800/X1900 video card will be in a 16x slot. It probably won't physically fit anywhere else!
    4 slots. 3 unused. Not 3 total.

    Most PCs don't have more slots, either. Sure you can find a few counter-examples, but 6-slot systems are not common. And with the exception of the PM 9500/9600, Apple has never shipped a 6-slot system. (The Quadra 950 had 5. Everything else shipped with 4 or less.)
    You seem to think that a Pro system must have the capability of accepting every hardware device ever invented. (And how do you do this without making the case six feet tall?)

    Dual video cards are only used by gamers. I doubt gamers are going to be interested in buying one of these, for the same reason they don't buy other Macs - the software comes out for other platforms first.

    As for FC interfaces, they can work fine in any of the available slots. And there's no need for audio cards when you've got S/PDIF optical audio in/out.

    Remember also that a studio won't be doing both video and audio editing on the same console! The people who are expert at one job are not going to be expert at the other. And if your studio is so strapped for cash that the different editors have to share a single computer, then you're in pretty sad shape!

    I don't think you realize what you're asking for. A system that is capable of performing all possible tasks at once is just unrealistic. Nobody will ever equip a system like that, because no user will have those kinds of requirements.

    Even in the PC world, where more slots are common, you almost never find a system that has actually filled all those slots with devices.

    You're probably right about the slots, but I never said that it had to do everything at once. Just saying that it is my understanding that Apple is trying to make this a workstation (or at least that's what the rumor sites make it out to be) and it might as well have as much power as possible.

    Also, as for the sound card, what about sound in? Some musicians might want MIDI in/out. I know, a lot of MIDI instruments come w/ USB now, but some musicians might want MIDI. Also, gamers aren't the only ones who might want/need to use 2+ graphics cards. What about CAD designers? Some of their stuff is pretty graphic intensive. Plus, since MacTels can run Windows, gamers might buy Macs, too. Just saying that some people might want this stuff, not necesarily everyone. To be honest, I don't care. Different strokes for different folks.

    On a completely different note, I wonder what the Intel xServes will be like, along with new xServe RAIDs. If I read Apple's xServe RAID site, correctly, it uses ATA/100, not SATA. I wonder if/when Apple would upgrade? If I'm right (correct me if I'm wrong) SATA II has a max transfer rate of 3 Gb/s (or 750 MB/s), though I've also heard 300 MB/s. ATA/100's is 100 MB/s. Also, Western Digital's Raptor X is a 10,000 RPM drive and only has a SATA interface while all the ATA/100 drives I've seen are just 7200 RPM. People who need high bandwidth might want this.

    Call Of Duty Black Ops Prestige Edition Rc Car. You get an RC car with video
  • You get an RC car with video

  • Hugh
    Apr 27, 05:41 PM
    The bigger deal here is the tendency of some fathers to name their kids the EXACT same name they have and add a "2nd". I've always thought that practice couldn't be stupidier. :P

    I have a friend was name that way. Instead of putting JR in he puts II in.

    Call Of Duty Black Ops Prestige Edition Rc Car. Black Ops Prestige Edition
  • Black Ops Prestige Edition

  • iliketyla
    Mar 31, 08:46 PM
    This is where the Android "community" is going to split.

    The ones we've heard from today don't give a crap about "open" or "closed" or Google or anything else other than the fact that Android is not Apple and is stealing some sales from Apple. They'll defend whatever Google does, because all they want is a platform that's not by Apple to take over the mobile space.

    The true believers in the "open" propaganda, as ridiculous as it is and as untrue as it's always been, are probably still in a state of shock. By tomorrow they'll split into two warring camps. One will defend everything Google does because they perceive—wrongly of course—that Android is still in some indefinable way more open than iOS, and they'll blow that little invisible kernel of "openness" up until that's all they can see.

    The other camp will be viciously angry at Google's betrayal of the True Religion™ and will be flailing around for some other messiah to deliver them from the "Walled Garden" of Apple and now, Android. These are the people who were saying the other day that "Motorola could rot" with their own OS.

    Any suggestions on who the zealots will turn to in their hour of despair? I honestly can't think of a candidate, but then I'm not nuts—at least not that way.

    Yeah! That's what'll happen!

    Or they'll do further research and realize that the implications in this SINGLE ARTICLE might not be 100% true.

    To the everyday user this means NOTHING as they have no knowledge of what open truly means, and therefore can't take advantage of it.

    To the users who actually have the knowhow to utilize open source operating systems, this might mean a minor hinderance, but not a complete game changer.

    And for clarification, the former is the vast majority.

    Did no one notice the obvious bias in this article? It's slanted, and the author clearly thinks that Google has been wrong this entire time.

    Call Of Duty Black Ops Prestige Edition Rc Car. that just for the RC car.
  • that just for the RC car.

  • laidbackliam
    Aug 7, 10:39 AM
    I'd like to see your "Mac" model bumped up past the iMac. I think a lot of people, myself included, would pay a premium for the ability to upgrade. In fact, I wouldn't care if they didn't offer a completely new model as long as they offer some "affordable" manifestations of the Mac Pro. So how's this (and go easy on me here because I rarely delve into the technical aspect of things):


    yes, but i see the price point being under the iMac still. but again, this is just something i'd LIKE to see, and don't expect. and i know some people would pay a premium. but i'm not some people.

    Call Of Duty Black Ops Prestige Edition Rc Car. of Call of Duty: Black Ops
  • of Call of Duty: Black Ops

  • Zadillo
    Aug 7, 09:35 PM
    This preview of Leopard seemed really like a glaze over of some "fun" little advancements, it did not look polished at all those dissapointed in what leopard has to offer, not to be punny, but steve has barely let the cat out of the bag

    tonne more to come

    I don't know, I thought Spaces and Time Machine looked very polished, personally. Spaces in particular is one of those things that I actually think will be genuinely useful (like Expose before it), and I like that it seems to be an even more useful implementation of the virtual desktops concept than what I've seen in Linux.

    Call Of Duty Black Ops Prestige Edition Rc Car. of Call of Duty: Black Ops
  • of Call of Duty: Black Ops

  • tundrabuggy
    Mar 31, 03:11 PM
    You could say the same thing about Apple though. The Apple fad will go away and the extremely closed ecosystem which seems to not be really developing much in terms of UI or having an actual roadmap could end iOS.

    I don't understand why people can't just see the pros and cons of both and accept both are great platforms. Its always a WAR with Apple fans. Apple against EVERYONE!

    This is a short-sighted statement if I've ever seen one. The Apple "Fad" will go away?? Apple is paving the way for all the me-too products to rip-off, oh, I forget, in its proper term, its labeled "competition". First iPhone and iPad are created as explosively successful products, then all the copy-cats come, as Jobs predicted they would. Not an ounce of creativeness from the others, now, linguists and Lawyers are being hired to copy the name "App store" as well, they need to have it to compete. If Apple went away, innovation in this market would stifle for 5 years at least.

    Call Of Duty Black Ops Prestige Edition Rc Car. of Duty BLACK OPS Prestige
  • of Duty BLACK OPS Prestige

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 1, 04:47 AM
    "Homosexuality," Plato wrote, "is regarded as shameful by barbarians and by those who live under despotic governments just as philosophy is regarded as shameful by them, because it is apparently not in the interest of such rulers to have great ideas engendered in their subjects, or powerful friendships or passionate love-all of which homosexuality is particularly apt to produce." This attitude of Plato's was characteristic of the ancient world, and I want to begin my discussion of the attitudes of the Church and of Western Christianity toward homosexuality by commenting on comparable attitudes among the ancients.
    Dr. Josiah B. Gould, the Plato scholar who taught me Ancient Philosophy, told us that, that although homosexuality was common among Greek aristocrats in ancient Greece, to them, sodomy was repugnant.

    Call Of Duty Black Ops Prestige Edition Rc Car. Call of Duty: Black Ops
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops

  • BVeritas
    Mar 31, 07:39 PM
    As an Apple fanboy, I'm disappointed to post this, but Android will continue to win despite the huge fragmentation problem.

    Unlike Windoze based computers, cell phone users expect to replace their phones minimally every two years. So for the most part these users just don't care whether the manufacturers bother to upgrade the OS or whether the few apps they've found need to be repurchased.

    When they go shopping and see a brand new Android phone running a better OS with more apps than they had before, they will simply buy it. Especially since there will continue to be two for one offers and lots of competition.

    Like Apple computers, iPhones will be superbly engineered, but that hasn't mattered in the computer arena and it won't matter in the cell phone arena.

    BTW, I expect Apple to eventually command 20% of the world's computer, cell phone, and tablet market with 50% (or more) of the profits, so it's not like Apple won't be successful. It's like combining all of the luxury cars together under one manufacturer.

    Call Of Duty Black Ops Prestige Edition Rc Car. Call of Duty: Black Ops
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops

  • Dagless
    Aug 12, 05:43 AM
    GT by Citro�n (�n).

    Ooo I have that on GT PSP. Can't remember if it's a collectors edition bonus or whatever, but the ultra annoying thing (which I cannot wrap my head around why they would do this) is some cars cannot be transferred to the PS3 version of the game. Despite the PS3 version having the same cars and then some.

    Call Of Duty Black Ops Prestige Edition Rc Car. The Prestige Editon ($149)
  • The Prestige Editon ($149)

  • MacRumors
    Mar 31, 02:21 PM (

    Call Of Duty Black Ops Prestige Edition Rc Car. The Call of Duty Black Ops
  • The Call of Duty Black Ops

  • rayz
    Aug 8, 02:31 AM
    Time Machine: the attempts to say this was done before with VMS, System Restore or Shadow Copy are pathetic, and those who made the comparison should be ashamed of themselves. Of course it isn't a completely new idea: it's been something that people have wanted to do for years. As far as I can see, Apple is the company that first demonstrated a practical version of this feature that an ordinary person could use. I predict that Microsoft's implementation will be a complicated mess that regular users find opaque and will not use (just like System Restore is).

    Er ... you right click on the file, select properties, and then just click on the previous versions tab.

    MS has actually put it where most people expect to find it; I thought they might put it on the actual right-click menu, but I honestly don't think that it's going to get used enough for folk to want to have it in their face all the time.

    Oh, and MS doesn't need a separate drive for it to work. If the Apple Time Machine ( :rolleyes: ) really does need a separate drive, then it sounds as if Apple has probably just skinned a version control system it pulled from the open source world.

    Call Of Duty Black Ops Prestige Edition Rc Car. call of duty black ops
  • call of duty black ops

  • ClimbingTheLog
    Jul 20, 12:56 PM
    Anyone else think this is getting out of hand? Two cores, great improvement. Four cores, ehh it's faster but Joe can't tell. Eight cores, now thats just stupid.
    Let me guess it will only come with 512mb of Ram :p (ok it will be at least a GB).

    Have you ever owned a machine that hasn't been CPU bound? I know I haven't.

    you need to do your math better, extra core = 1.5x - 1.8x speed increase. but still the same power usage as a normal core!

    Where do you get these magical free electrons to drive the second core? That's some fancy silicon that uses 0W.

    eight cores + Tiger = Octopussy?!?

    Even Apple isn't that cool. Alas, I fear "Mac Pro 8x3.2"

    How fast do you want mail to go? The main reasons you need good processors is not for browsing, e-mail, text, and such and such. I highly doubt someone who does all these things on a five year old computer will be much slower than someone on a 16 GB RAM top of the line Powermac

    Have you ever done a search on a large volume of mail with AppleMail? That can eat my CPU for hours on a large IMAP mailstore on a 1.5 year old Mac. How about using Firefox with a number of useful extensions? CPU pegged for minutes when loading up the day's news stories from my RSS reader, and that's with a 2-year old Mac.

    Bring the speed.

    Call Of Duty Black Ops Prestige Edition Rc Car. quot;Prestige Editionquot; of Call
  • quot;Prestige Editionquot; of Call

  • Fabio_gsilva
    Jul 28, 04:52 PM
    Thanks, and yes, me too. I just hope they do something to fill that headless hole between the mini and pro. And I hope the innards are more accessible than the mini.

    A headless iMac would be very nice to mee, indeed. I own a Mini, so I don't want to throw my keyboard, mouse and display right now... And I don't have enough money to replace them now too.

    Call Of Duty Black Ops Prestige Edition Rc Car. Call of Duty: Black Ops
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops

  • TripHop
    Jun 14, 06:24 PM
    If you get a reservation pin, you will have a phone on launch day, bottom line. No pin, no guarantee of a phone. With the pin, you can pick it up when you want. At opening or 8pm at night. I would make damn sure i am the 1st person in line at 1PM EST to be sure you get a PIN.

    We just cant call it a pre-order, and cant take money before the 24th.

    Be srue you talk to the store manager, and again, if you get something other than what i said, call another store.My Radio Shack Manager knows nothing about PIN numbers and is opening at normal 9AM tomorrow. Says he still doesn't know exactly how the pre-orders will be conducted. Hasn't heard from corporate yet. Still in the dark he says. :confused:

    Call Of Duty Black Ops Prestige Edition Rc Car. Given the variety of RC cars
  • Given the variety of RC cars

  • sirgant
    Nov 29, 02:44 AM
    What on earth are these people at music studio's thinking!!! Did they get royalties for every stereo sold? NO, so neither should they get anything for iPod or any hardware sales. Only for the products THEY supply, should they get money, being the music and movies/ video's, in other words the content.
    This is typical behaviour of music studio's and I sincerely hope that Apple will not budge, nor should any other company. Of course MS is eager to pay as they need their Zune to succeed, and Universal is riding along for a slice of the pie, but who will loose out in the end is the consumer, as these royalties are eventually going to get calculated such that we will pay them......
    We should all start protesting all record companies to clean up their act, in the mean time, the general consumer should to, copying of music is stealing, the prices on iTunes are fair and reasonable, so lets be nice and buy them properly, and the record companies can then make sure there is more for us to buy (some real refreshing new music would be nice, instead of all this "X factor, American idol, etc etc manufactured stuff....) , and not just fill their pockets as they are trying to do all the time

    It's not music studios, but record companies, they are not the same entities.

    A couple of things to clarify. I am actually a producer, who has a pre-existing deal with MCA/Universal Music Publishers.

    1. Doug Morris, Chairman of Universal is a greedy bastard, who I wouldn't trust as far as I could throw him.

    2. Artists, Songwriters & Producers are already getting screwed by major labels, not accounting properly, holding millions of dollars, using creative accounting practices etc.

    3. The percentage breakdown with ITMS and labels is basically 65/35 as it is rounded off to the 100 in favor of the labels.

    4. The real culprit here is Microsoft, who is whoring out Zunes in order to get a foothold on the marketplace. Consumers can speak with their pocketbooks, don't buy the crappy Zune players, but support your artists & songwriters who make a living off of sales, by purchasing music.


    Call Of Duty Black Ops Prestige Edition Rc Car. Call of Duty: Black Ops
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops

  • Markov
    Jun 8, 08:47 PM
    Do they? I thought they phased them out, along with most of the other electronic hobbyist items that they alone used to carry.

    Some stores do, the one I work in does.

    That's me!
    Nearest Apple Store is 90 minutes away. Nearest Authorized AT&T store that would carry the iPhone is like 60. Radio shack is just 10 minutes.

    I'm wondering though, what would be the advantages/disadvantages to buying it at Radio Shack vs AT&T vs The Apple Store? Once I have the item purchased, will I notice any sort of difference what-so-ever?


    Uh... no. It's the same iPhone 4. Why would there be a difference?

    I used to work at radioshack too and the resources there suck. Activation will take longer than usual and they can mess up your account/credit. I hated activating phones cause it was a hassle since we were not connected directly with carriers.

    Wrong. They've changed that. We get to customers faster, upgrades typically take 5 minutes if ATT isn't slow or down.

    I would rather just order it online if I didn't want to drive to an Apple Store.

    Seriously, RadioShack needs to die.

    Seriously? You mean, your not joking? Why should RadioShack die? The other stores need the competition. And why would you be against going to RadioShack?

    Call Of Duty Black Ops Prestige Edition Rc Car. Call of Duty: Black Ops
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops

  • FleurDuMal
    Sep 12, 11:28 AM
    A bit pointless given that no software utilises the extra cores yet. But nice to know, I guess.

    I'm still getting used to having two cores in my laptop!

    Call Of Duty Black Ops Prestige Edition Rc Car. Call of Duty: Black Ops
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops

  • jmgregory1
    Apr 6, 03:33 PM
    The idea that Apple needs competitors to keep pushing forward with the iPad or any other product makes no sense. Apple brought the iPad, iPhone, iPod to market and it's the competition that is trying to catch up to Apple. By suggesting that Apple needs others to push forward with new designs/ideas is not giving Apple the credit they deserve for creating these markets (as we know them) in the first place.

    Competition between tablets is going to potentially benefit the non-iPad tablets most - as they compete on specs, not the bigger picture ecosystem (because for those running android, there will be no ecosystem difference). BB's PB will have to fight for its own share of the non-Apple, non-Android market as will HP.

    Mar 31, 03:47 PM
    The source hasn't been released. It's the source code that people are talking about. The source code that Google has always released up till now.

    thats the point -- he was clarifiying that despite the OS being out, the source hasnt been released. thats the point being made.

    Mattie Num Nums
    Mar 31, 02:30 PM
    How could you not see this coming. Even the most active anti-apple android fanboy/cheerleader could see that eventually it wouldn't work. Too many cooks in 'teh' kitchen trying to one up the competition whilst ruining the experience for the user.

    I think everyone saw it. The question is what will Google do when they do publish the source code? All of these people pointing and laughing didn't read the article.

    At least, that's what the Fandroids wanted us to believe when Android fragmentation started being tossed around as a problem. Where are those guys now that Google is actually acknowledging that it's a problem? :eek:

    Not a problem for me. HTC does a great job keeping phones updated.

    Jul 20, 08:23 AM
    The Mactopus

    Well, I don't know about Apple, but when I get one, that's the name it'll have.:D

    Nov 28, 08:16 PM
    I haven't read all the post as yet, got to around post #50 but my sentiments pretty much reflect those of most posters.

    However, if there is evidence that a bulk of the royalty (and I mean more than 50%) will go to artists then I can see justification in the process (but it should not be a flat $1 per device as the cost/profit of devices varies). But at the same time, Apple should get a higher share of the 99c per track as I believe the money they get per song pretty much only covers there management of the stored data and hosting on iTunes with very little profit per song - and this is understandable as Apple can leverage the iTunes store to drive iPod sales.

    If the record companies want a profitable piece of Apple�s pie (no pun intended) then Apple should be entitled to a profitable piece of the 99c download.

    Same logic me thinks�

    Sep 19, 10:18 AM
    30 days on refurbs might mean something actually...

    Any ideas?

    I've always assumed that it means they've got a warehouse full of returns that they're working their way through and that they prioritise on the items they want to get shot of quickly. If correct, a longer lead time would suggest no updates due in the near future so they can take their time getting rid of the stock.

    But then I'm also suspicious they ain't all returns and that they scuff the cases on all the excess stock so they can knock them out cheap without upsetting anyone.

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