Cool Mac Desktop Backgrounds

Monday, May 9, 2011

Cool Mac Desktop Backgrounds

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  • videomaven
    Apr 6, 06:08 AM
    I'm not trolling, this is an honest question. But isn't a Final Cut pretty much worthless for commercial use without a way to put the results on Blu-Ray?

    There are many ways of delivering content other than BluRay. But if one insists, there is a rudimentary BluRay output currently in FCP. Or burn with Toast. Or author in anything from Adobe Encore to high-end PC-based BluRay authoring systems.

    While I accept that you are not acting the troll, you do need to learn a bit more about the video/film world.

    Cool Mac Desktop Backgrounds. The wallpaper
  • The wallpaper

  • ppnkg
    Jul 27, 07:07 PM
    With those frequent speed bumps I begin to worry that my G5 imac will not be fast enough to run Leopard...

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  • LarryB08
    Apr 8, 08:09 AM
    what you(Best Buy) did was take $100 from the customer and lock them in from buying anywere else!

    Yeah, Best Buy took that $100 alright...they held a gun to each customer's head and told them flat out - "we have no more in stock so you better pay us $100 or else"

    If you believe this was actually some sort of BB ruse, and still paid your money, then you deserve what you get. Start taking responsibility for your own actions for a change.

    Cool Mac Desktop Backgrounds. 13 iPhone Desktop Wallpapers
  • 13 iPhone Desktop Wallpapers

  • danvdr
    Aug 27, 06:42 PM
    G5 Powerbook joke explanations next Tuesday :p

    Cool Mac Desktop Backgrounds. mac-wallpaper-10
  • mac-wallpaper-10

  • Peace
    Aug 5, 04:55 PM
    Can someone confirm my calculations?

    The keynote will start 8PM UK time?

    6PM London time..

    Use the dashboard clock widget if you're in the UK and open a clock then set it to Cupertino..

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  • Cool Red Background Pattern

  • roland.g
    Apr 6, 11:27 AM
    Yeah, but for alot of people as cool as the iPad 2 is, it still can't do alot of what they need to do on the road. I have the iPad 1 and it's great. My favorite way to surf the web hands down! HOWEVER...I like to edit HD movies from my csnon dslr and do some creative projects while traveling...and the iPad can't do it. When I heard the iPad 2 was going to get iMovie, I got excited, but when it was released, I found out that iMovie on the iPad 2 can ONLY edit movies shot on apple iOS devices(the iPad, iPod and iPhone)!! Nor can I use Photoshop, aperture, illustrator or anime studio pro on it.

    There are MANY creative people out there who love the MacBook air, but have been waiting for this update.

    I still love my original iPad, and travel with it everywhere. BUT I decided not to buy the new iPad 2 even if it has a camera and is faster....cause it's still a "closed" device, and can't do alot of the things I need to do on the road. Things the MacBook air CAN do.

    Heck, when I get one of the new MacBook airs...I may travel with BOTH it AND my iPad. Lol. They are slim enough and can both fit in my laptop sleeve in my knapsack and still weigh less than a 15" or 17" MacBook pro!

    I will get a new iMac when they are updated too for my workstation at home, since my G5 iMac is on it's last legs. Lol.

    And I am sure EVENTUALLY I will update my iPad. But for now I don't need to at all.

    I guess you have to do what you have to do on the road. Still a shame that you suffer running Photoshop, aperture, illustrator or anime studio pro, or edit HD video on a notebook, let alone an underpowered one. Both from a power and a screen aspect.

    I don't discount the fact that there are road warriors who need an MBA or other portable for work. Whether that is an office suite and email or actual video/photo production or anything in between. But while some people, especially of the lighter use group, will choose the MBA over the MBP in a 15" or 17" form factor, or even the 13" MBP, for their needs, the point was that the MBA borders on a consumption machine because of its weight, access, and limits in power. You can do workhorse projects on it, but will still suffer the slow rendering time. An MBA is perfectly suited to the business traveler who needs all the office capabilities but no significant power.

    Cool Mac Desktop Backgrounds. Apple cool wallpaper
  • Apple cool wallpaper

  • Evangelion
    Apr 8, 05:03 AM
    [B]Until Apple can get more of its own stores it needs BB more than BB needs it. So I doubt Apple went all hurt or p.o.'d girlfriend on them.

    The problem is not the number of retail-locations selling iPads, the problem is number of iPads in those stores. Now that BB is out of the picture, other retailers can receive more units. Now Apple can stop supplying BB-stores, and use those units to supply some other stores instead. You know, stores that actually sell the product to a customer?

    Cool Mac Desktop Backgrounds. mac xp desktop wallpaper
  • mac xp desktop wallpaper

  • dgree03
    Apr 6, 02:45 PM
    You list ONE issue with the iPad, that it looks too much like the iPhone, and then go on to a laundry list of issues on the Xoom that culminates in a tech support call and THAT is your preferred device?

    Rock on winner. I have a bridge I want to sell you.

    If you want I can give you a laundry list of things wrong with the ipad.. it will surely be longer than my xoom cons?

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  • black-leather-apple-desktop-

  • dsnort
    Mar 31, 09:03 PM
    [SIZE=1] The very fact that the Gingerbread source is available has given my Orange UK branded ZTE Blade Gingerbread before other phones had official builds.

    Could you re-write the sentence so that it has a subject and a predicate?

    Cool Mac Desktop Backgrounds. COOL DESKTOP PICTURES FOR MAC

  • Eidorian
    Jul 27, 12:07 PM
    hate to be repetative, but this tells me what i already know.

    but the quesiton comes with this line:

    Does anyone know if the chips that are actually shipping are the same as the prototype chips?

    again, sorry for the repatition, but id really like to drop one of these in my mini and dont want to find out AFTER i tear apart the mini that the new chips wont fit!

    There might be a voltage issue. It will fit though.

    Cool Mac Desktop Backgrounds. Apple Desktop Wallpaper :
  • Apple Desktop Wallpaper :

  • ClimbingTheLog
    Jul 20, 12:56 PM
    Anyone else think this is getting out of hand? Two cores, great improvement. Four cores, ehh it's faster but Joe can't tell. Eight cores, now thats just stupid.
    Let me guess it will only come with 512mb of Ram :p (ok it will be at least a GB).

    Have you ever owned a machine that hasn't been CPU bound? I know I haven't.

    you need to do your math better, extra core = 1.5x - 1.8x speed increase. but still the same power usage as a normal core!

    Where do you get these magical free electrons to drive the second core? That's some fancy silicon that uses 0W.

    eight cores + Tiger = Octopussy?!?

    Even Apple isn't that cool. Alas, I fear "Mac Pro 8x3.2"

    How fast do you want mail to go? The main reasons you need good processors is not for browsing, e-mail, text, and such and such. I highly doubt someone who does all these things on a five year old computer will be much slower than someone on a 16 GB RAM top of the line Powermac

    Have you ever done a search on a large volume of mail with AppleMail? That can eat my CPU for hours on a large IMAP mailstore on a 1.5 year old Mac. How about using Firefox with a number of useful extensions? CPU pegged for minutes when loading up the day's news stories from my RSS reader, and that's with a 2-year old Mac.

    Bring the speed.

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  • Animated Desktop Wallpaper Mac

  • kutsushita
    Jun 12, 12:54 PM
    Another potential problem...

    How many iPhone 4s is Radio Shack going to
    have in stock on first day of sale?

    It's not like they are the Apple or AT&T store.

    If I could be assured of a phone on day one
    from Radio Shack the deal would be a pretty
    good one.

    All the radio shacks in Houston sold around 67k evos first day (or so I was told by a manager.)

    If anyone is in Houston and shops the galleria they've started a preorder list at the location next to the sanrio store. The manager said they will be opening early on the 24th as well.

    Cool Mac Desktop Backgrounds. Mac Designer Desktop
  • Mac Designer Desktop

  • Geckotek
    Apr 7, 10:29 PM
    Every day Apple stores get shipments of iPads....but they don't sell them when the arrive. They hold them for the line that forms the next morning.

    Seems odd to me. Like they are purposely making a spectacle in front of the store every morning.

    This morning the store I went to had NO AT&T models?!?!?! So tomorrow morning there will be yet another line of those that failed today (including myself).

    On topic, I called Best Buy and was told that unless I pre-ordered before the day of the sale, I could not get an iPad 2. My co-worker walked in last week off the street and purchased one. Why the inconsistent message? I don't get it.

    Cool Mac Desktop Backgrounds. Cool 3d Desktop Backgrounds
  • Cool 3d Desktop Backgrounds

  • dba7dba
    Mar 31, 04:51 PM
    You're comparing a phone or a tablet to U.S. foreign policy? I'm sorry, I don't think gadgets are as important as that but apparently you do. I think you need a check on your perspective.

    How about
    1. I don't care what neighbors say as long as I can work on my car and rev up the engine, even at midnight.

    My point was 'I don't care what happens to others as long as I get what I want' is not good.

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  • Mac Crashed Desktop Wallpaper

  • yg17
    Apr 27, 09:21 AM
    He could have released this years ago.

    Why should he? He released the short form BC, which is valid and legal proof of citizenship.

    Hawaii law states that no one can request an original long form BC, not even the person who's name is on the BC, so Obama had to call in a few favors to get this. I'm surprised the right wing loons aren't accusing him of overstepping his bounds and destroying states' rights to get it.

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  • mac os x desktop

  • digitalbiker
    Aug 25, 10:09 PM
    In a world full of computers, I want to be helped by a human with common sense.

    I'm with you on this one! The first thing I do when I reach a phone menu system is try to figure out how to circumvent it so that I can get to a real person.

    The problem with menu systems is that they only cover the most likely common user problems. I have been around computers long enough that I can fix all the easy issues. The only time I call is when my problem is serious and phone support never has a menu option for that.

    Cool Mac Desktop Backgrounds. Mac Sploosh Desktop Wallpaper
  • Mac Sploosh Desktop Wallpaper

  • shartypants
    Apr 6, 10:33 AM
    Wow, Intel is really keeping up with the processors. Someday I imagine Apple will make a 15" MacBook Air and call it a MacBook Pro (maybe not quite as thin but thinner than current MBP).

    Cool Mac Desktop Backgrounds. mac-wallpaper-8
  • mac-wallpaper-8

  • Peace
    Aug 5, 04:55 PM
    Can someone confirm my calculations?

    The keynote will start 8PM UK time?

    6PM London time..

    Use the dashboard clock widget if you're in the UK and open a clock then set it to Cupertino..

    Cool Mac Desktop Backgrounds. A collection of cool Apple Mac
  • A collection of cool Apple Mac

  • firestarter
    Apr 12, 03:20 PM
    Anyway, Takeshi Kitano rules. :D


    Just trying to spread the message! ;)

    Aug 18, 08:29 PM
    I purchased Kingston PC2 5300 FB for my Mac Pro from New Egg. They seemed to have the best price and some Mac friendly reviews.

    My Pro now starts 10.4.7 in less than 5 seconds!Great Caesar's Ghost! :eek: From OFF? :eek: With total 3GB RAM? You have a QT Movie you can post of that? :eek:

    Apr 28, 09:58 AM
    Imagine that, three responses which utterly fail to refute let alone dispute my clear and truthful argument. Instead, they leave snide remarks. No substance WHATSOEVER. :)

    You accuse every 'liberal' in this forum of being blinded by their bias. I suppose all of the 'conservatives' see clearly and are willing to consider all reasonable alternatives. Lol. And then the debate becomes what is reasonable? :p

    If you are unwilling to admit there is a racial aspect to some of the attacks on Obama who is being blind? There is no other President in the history of the U.S. who has been asked for so much proof of citizenship.

    Apr 12, 09:13 AM
    I think the User's Group meeting isn't until 4:30, so we are in for a wait...

    Jul 23, 02:29 AM
    For the laptop segment, by the Holiday's, the MacBooks should be equal to the QUAD G5 in power, with the MBP 8 cores (2x4), and desktops in all various ranges.....especially with UB programs, all the way up to 4x4.

    You mean the Holiday season of 2007? You must believe in Santa Claus. You aren't going to be seeing Macbooks equaling the speed of the G5 Quad any time soon. Quad in a Macbook by December? No way. You won't see it in a MBP either...

    Apr 5, 07:11 PM
    Is there any hope for good subtitle support? OCR, etc.?

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