quotes about being strong through hard times

Thursday, April 28, 2011

quotes about being strong through hard times

quotes about being strong through hard times

quotes about being strong through hard times quotes about being strong through hard times quotes about being strong through hard times

quotes about being strong through hard times quotes about being strong through hard times quotes about being strong through hard times

My father considered a walk among the mountains as the equivalent of churchgoing. ~Aldous Huxley

Belief in karma ought to make the life pure, strong, serene, and glad. Only our own deeds can hinder us; only our own will can fetter us. Once let men recognize this truth, and the hour of their liberation has struck. Nature cannot enslave the soul that by wisdom has gained power and uses both in love. ~Annie Besant

The worth of a book is to be measured by what you can carry away from it. ~James Bryce

Labor Day is a glorious holiday because your child will be going back to school the next day. It would have been called Independence Day, but that name was already taken. ~Bill Dodds Labor Day is a glorious holiday because your child will be going back to school the next day. It would have been called Independence Day, but that name was already taken. ~Bill Dodds

Poetry is the art of substantiating shadows. ~Edmund Burke

Life is a shit sandwich. But if you've got enough bread, you don't taste the shit. ~Jonathan Winters

If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday. ~Pearl Buck

Retirement without the love of letters is a living burial. ~Seneca

In the United States today, there is a pervasive tendency to treat children as adults, and adults as children. The options of children are thus steadily expanded, while those of adults are progressively constricted. The result is unruly children and childish adults. ~Thomas Szasz

Arithmetic is numbers you squeeze from your head to your hand to your pencil to your paper till you get the answer. ~Carl Sandburg, "Arithmetic"

How can the Church be received as a trustworthy guide in the invisible, which falls into so many errors in the visible? ~John W. Draper

I'm not old enough to play baseball or football. I'm not eight yet. My mom told me when you start baseball, you aren't going to be able to run that fast because you had an operation. I told Mom I wouldn't need to run that fast. When I play baseball, I'll just hit them out of the park. Then I'll be able to walk. ~Edward J. McGrath, Jr., "An Exceptional View of Life," quoted in Chicken Soup for the Soul by Jack Canfield & Mark Victor Hansen, 1993

There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America. ~William J. Clinton There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America. ~William J. Clinton

Washington is a place where politicians don't know which way is up and taxes don't know which way is down. ~Robert Orben

Emotion has taught mankind to reason. ~Marquis de Vauvenargues

Faith can move mountains, but don't be surprised if God hands you a shovel. ~Author Unknown

Hubert Humphrey talks so fast that listening to him is like trying to read Playboy magazine with your wife turning the pages. ~Barry Goldwater

It's a nasty divorce when they can't agree on how to divvy up the His and Hers towels. ~Robert Brault, www.robertbrault.com

Freedom is never free. ~Author Unknown

Talk is cheap - except when Congress does it. ~Cullen Hightower

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